Of all the people involved in the creation of Inimex, none are foreign to the world of immigration. We have specialists and professionals from a wide range of fields including law, finance, real estate, insurance, and more. We are well equipped to help our clients with their immigration visa, permanent residence permit and citizenship application.

With collaborators from different countries, we offer immigration services to and from most countries in Europe, including Spain, France, Italy, Monaco, Switzerland, Portugal and more. 

Over the years, we have noticed that a large number of individuals are interested in different countries. Many proceed as the famous saying goes: “do not put all eggs in one basket”. Most of our clients wish to have two immigration statuses in Europe, such as a residency in one country and citizenship in another. Additionally, our clients invest, create businesses and retire in different parts of the world with our help. It is therefore not unusual we have a client with the following circumstance: citizen of Malta and owns a business in Malta, main residency and second business in Monaco, one child attends university in France and another in Switzerland, and finally a secondary residency in Austria.

If you are interested in moving to another country, our team will be happy to assist you. We have extensive experience and knowledge of the immigration sector and immigration laws, and our team speaks various languages, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Chinese. 

We kindly invite you to reserve a private consultation with us here, or to send us a message online, via Skype ou under “Contact Us“.

Inimex Inc. (International Immigration Experts).